Mascots, Caffeine and...

i31 Photo Roundup i31: Food, Caffeine and Banners.

... Spam!

i31 Photo Roundup i31: Food, Caffeine and Banners. i31 Photo Roundup i31: Food, Caffeine and Banners.

Some people obviously can't leave home without either their teddies and Cartman is apparently Burger King - we agree, obviously!

i31 Photo Roundup i31: Food, Caffeine and Banners. i31 Photo Roundup i31: Food, Caffeine and Banners.

This is Tim using his l33t vertical h4xing skillz (he's quite tall...) to help Cooler Master throw up a big fabric banner for its LAN team. He's not helping because the people at Cooler Master as especially short, but I suppose Tim is super nice or summit. For the record, Tim is standing on a chair, he's not quite that tall, even though you can't see his feet.. or the chair for that matter!

i31 Photo Roundup i31: Food, Caffeine and Banners. i31 Photo Roundup i31: Food, Caffeine and Banners.

Caffeine and sugar is everything that you need to survive at an i-Series event. Oh, and let's not forget pizza too. Collectively, the intoxicating mixture is enough to keep any hardcore gamer up all night and then some. The subsequent twitch and insomnia is now a "character trait", so I'm told.
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